Sunday, March 15, 2009

Leprechaun trap

So, this weekend was busy and we had lots to get done, but Trevor took the time to help our nephew Wyatt build a leprechaun trap. It was Trevor's ingenuity that finally made the trap work.

Perfecting the trap roof.

Trevor cheking the trap roof, while Wyatt checks the ladder.

A rainbow over the windows to lure the leprechaun in.

The finished product.

Good Luck Wyatt!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009


USING ONLY ONE WORD: Here's a Survey that's fun but not as easy as you might think!

Where is your cell phone? DESK
Your significant other? TREVOR
Your hair? Brown
Your mother? LOVING
Your father?FUNNY
Your favorite thing? SHOPPING
Your dream last night? TWINS
Your favorite drink? WATER
Your dream/goal? BABY
What room are you in? WORK
Your hobby? CRAFTS
Your fear? CANCER
Where do you want to be in 6 years? HOME
Where were you last night? HOME
Something that you aren't? SICK
Wish list item? CLOTHES
Last thing you did? PAYMENT
What are you wearing? CLOTHES
Your pets? NO
Friends? SARA
Your life? FULL
Your mood? Tired
Missing someone? TREVOR
Drinking? WATER
Smoking? GROSS
Your car? MINE
Something you're not wearing? HAT
Your favorite store? MALL
Your favorite color? RED
When is the last time you cried? WEEK
Where do you go to over and over? WORK
Five people who email me regularly? ANNA
My favorite place to eat? MOM'S
Favorite place I'd like to be right now? HOME